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Your site needs…a new site.

Bob Walsh over at 47Hats is a great guy. His books are well worth reading.

So when he offered to take a quick look at commenters’ sites, I jumped on it and sent him a link to the Scarecrow homepage. Here’s what happened:


Now…the thing is, I think Bob and Scarecrow’s customers live in very different worlds. But he may be right. The thing to do, of course, is test it. So I’ll be giving that a shot at some point, depending on how things go. Scarecrow is much more than a website, but from our customers’ point of view: just a site. A site with magical powers, of course, but if you’re not a tech-head how do you know which bits were hard and which were easy?

Anyway. I thought this was fun. Bob did mention that the service sounded good, which was actually part of what I wanted to know, so. Ahem.


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