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Using social media? Or…being used?


I’m experimenting with social media. You may notice a new “Recent Tweets” section in the blog sidebar, courtesy of my new Twitter account, @CabinFeverSftwr. Cabin Fever also has a new Facebook page. And I’m all over LinkedIn lately too.

I’m getting some interesting results already. It’s clearly possible to engage people in conversations.

  • There’s a startup out there (I signed an NDA & don’t want to be more specific) with a really great idea and a partially-built product, and I may be jumping in to help.
  • People keep telling me about jobs.
  • In the process of figuring this stuff out, I’ve reconnected (to some extent) with people I haven’t seen or talked to in years.

But does this translate to success for Cabin Fever per se? Or Scarecrow? Maybe, and maybe not. I’m hoping I can ride this beast & get value out of it.

Maybe the trick is to keep an open mind and see what develops. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Also, stay tuned. I’m going to put up a site to showcase another kind of writing entirely. Here’s a hint: there’ll be a link to buy my novel from Amazon.


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