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SEO? Is that what I’m doing?

Well, I’ve changed my mind again. I had this great plan to set up a personal site where I’d feel more free…free-er?…to post rants about Saving the World ™, fiction that I’d like to let people download & read for free, and Just Stuff.

But sheesh, what a pain. Just the one blog is hard enough. Two would quickly get to be annoying, especially if I wanted to work from time to time. And if there were going to be any Google PageRank benefits, they’d be split between sites.

So some of you techie-guys might not care about the fiction. And some of the business guys won’t care about tech-jabber or fiction. And if people like the fiction, they might not care about the rest.

Categories, guys. You can filter posts by them. If you’re using RSS and this mishmash starts to bug you, let me know & I’ll give you links to feeds per category, and voila. Or something.

So the site has changed a bit. More to come along those lines, of course, but ain’t that always the way.

As for fiction: Saints Alive, a short story, is available in various formats at my new page for free fiction downloads.

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